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10/9 General Life Update

I am a college student and apparently that means I'm too busy to update LOL. I will probably have a lot more time to update around December because thats when we get holiday break.
I really want to make my sims Blog because I've been playing a lot!

In other news I really need glasses :|. I had a tiny prescription when I was little but it didn’t really help(+ my mother made me get really ugly glasses so I didn’t want to wear them). It was a bull blooded ego death when I my optometrist Told me to cover the other eye and the letters fully went away. I knew there were letters but the screen was white. Then they made me look in the poor people bucket for frames:/ (Literally a Enclosed black cabnet in the corner of the room). Eventually I found a pair that was not horrible. and im forcing myself to be excited by thinking about how I can make festive glasses chains for every holiday(once I get my actual glasses obviously)

In other news im taking care of myself a bit more and actually going to the doctor and setting up my cardiology appointments. Even though my new primary care sucks...she is giving me the referrals I need.

The last bit of news is that I Accidentally Finished my AA degree earlier than I thought and this is my last Semester. At my current college. unfortunately that means i need to find a cheap online university to get my BA from. ( I'm disabled and the campuses near me are super inaccessible.) AND i have to figure out how to pay for it because they are hella expensive, like I'd love to do like ASU's online program but its like $14,000 per year if I do full time. and its kinda hard to figure out what online colleges that are cheap are reputable.


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8/31/23 Dear Amma,

Dear Amma, I think of you sometimes and I wish you could see me now. I'm all grown up! If you could just see me you would be so proud. I'm safe now and I'm happy and I'm kind. I know thats all you ever hoped for but I'm doing so much more.

I'm in college now and I'm doing well.

When I'm upset or sick I make your soup and It warms me up. I share the soup with my partner and my friends. They all love it obviously.

I Only inherited Moms Good parts almost none of the bad. I've never hurt anyone and I control my temper well. I am strong just like her, but I dont need to be anymore.

Little brother is doing okay too he graduated Highschool and he loves fishing sooo much he spends every spare minute fishing and he even works on a fishing boat. I protected him well, but now he doesnt need protection(don't worry i'll still look out for him). Everyone is very proud of him.

I remember you helping me get out of trouble as a kid. I remember you standing between me and my mom to make sure I was safe. I remember laying in your lap and listening to you tell me everything would be okay and that you loved me. You belived in me when no one else did, and now I beleve in myself. The way you treated me became the framework for how I treat myself. I give myself little treats whenever Im upset, I calm myself down using your words, and I speak to myself kindly.

I know you would be proud of me Amma, because I am so proud of myself.

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8/25/23 Boring Complaining

This monday I started my classes for the semester and Im taking 4 classes curently
-Geography Lab
-History of the US since 1876
-Research methods in psychology
Most of the classes are pretty easy to grasp but that Research methods course is killer and its barely the first week. The grading system is based on a 5 point scale meaning each asginment is worth 5 points and the "default" score is 4/5 but thats only if "you go above and beyond". The main type of asginment is a study guide. A study guide is a 16 page long list of questions about studies we read. we are Intended to answer by linking it to other reasurch (that we find on our own) and personal experence. One due every wednesday and bro recomends spending 10 hours minimum on the asginment. and because im disabled each reading takes me 3x the ammount of time as a normal human I am doomed to spend Eternity working on these damn study guides. Don't let my complaining throw you off though I absolutely love school but I need to be carful not to let it burn me out. Other than that my bedframe broke so im curentky rocking floor bed(I know I know it needs the ventilation its only temporary). I actualy really dont mind floor bed to be honest its really comfortable and gives me so much rooom to spral out all of my stuff sence I have the entire floor and im not confined to a nightstand.
Cartoon Cat slamming face on laptop
Sorry for the boring life update yall (If you read this far send me an email [@] saying "Blueberry Pie" and I'll send u a cool gif lol)

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8/18/23 Blood-Letting and Dental Detours

Today I had to wake up much too early to get blood taken. However this unfortunate early-wakedness was rewarded with a delicious McDonalds breakfast. After this glorious meal, I had enough currage to find a dentist. My teeth have been bothering me since the dramatic arival of my wisdom teeth about a year ago. Recently, my gums around my lower left wisdom tooth have been abnormaly swolen and painful so I opted to find a dentist (my old dentist sucks). With my burst of post-blood-letting braveness I texted my best friend and asked her what her dentists name was, found the office online and called... Voicemail. I thought that my hopes of proper dental care were a bust so, I left my phone number and went about my day. 20 minutes later, they call me back, they accept my insurance and, they have an apointment for today in about 3 hours. It was a match made in heaven. After the call I realise I was not mentaly prepared. I ended up spending about 2 hours anxiously Napping. Once I got there I fill out the forms and wait. The receptionist calls me back and we take just short of one million x-rays. Soon after we finish my photo shoot the dentist who I will call Dr.Smiley examines and starts cleaning my teeth. Long story short because of my fathers horible tooth genetics I need a few fillings and I need to see a specialist. Dr.Smiley also reassured me that my swelling around my wisdom teeth is normal and probably just a result of stress or clenching, and most importantly, that it is definately not an abcess. He talked about my care plan and then had his asistant, who I'll call Mrs.Clumsy finish the cleaning. The reason I call her Mrs.Clumsy is because she hit her head on the light like 7 times during the cleaning. after the cleaning we were on to polishing where she polished each tooth to within an inch of its life and then repeated the process several times. I would not have been suprised if I only had fragments left. I will concede though that my teeth feel the cleanest they have ever been before. After the dentist I needed a little treat for being the bravest little guy so I got a McDonalds ice cream came home and mentaly recovered.  tooth gif